Abigail's blog (http://itsabigailannyay.blogspot.com/) is about what she has planned for these coming holidays.
Abby talks bout how in term one she went to Melbourne for a wedding, she tells us all the places she stayed and what she did e.g shopping. She didn't actually write anything about the wedding even though that is the reason she went.
I don't like the setting out of it, only because I think it is a bit hard to read. Also how she jumps from talking about what she did in term one and what she has planned for her holidays, she some how gets on to the topic of when her friends are leaving.
But apart from those two things I look forward to reading future blogs. And can't wait to see these photo's of the wedding!
Jess xx :)
"shake, shake, shake, keep your body still..."
13 years ago
Jess - there is no link to Abigails Blog. You should edit your posting and include an active hyperlink to her blog in your review.